How Culture and Technology Create One Another
“It’s not just technology creating and shaping culture it’s also culture creating and shaping technology” (TEDx Talks, 2012). Srinivasan believes that technology and culture can exist and can mix and mingle and grow from one another. In layman's terms, Srinivasan agrees that technology and culture pretty much piggyback off of one another. He poses questions such as how can we marry the two ideas? Noting that “the truth of really empowering cultural voices around technology is allowing those different voices to exist in parallel and speak to and inform one another” (TEDx Talks, 2012). He speaks about the diverse people and cultures who now have access to technology and are looking to have their turn at the digital table. How does one encourage digital revolution amongst cultures? This is still to be determined.
TEDx Talks. (2012, December 13). How Culture and Technology Create One Another: Ramesh Srinivasan at TEDxUCLA. [Video]. YouTube.
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